Battisputali - 9, Kathmandu, Nepal

Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Prohibition Policy

At Nassar Overseas Pvt. Ltd., we are deeply committed to upholding human rights and ethical business practices. As part of our global responsibility, we firmly oppose all forms of human trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery. This Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Prohibition Policy outlines our zero-tolerance stance towards these grave violations and our dedication to preventing such practices within our organization and supply chain.

1. Policy Statement:

Nassar Overseas Pvt. Ltd prohibits any involvement in human trafficking, forced labor, or modern slavery in all its operations, subsidiaries, business dealings, and supply chains. We condemn these practices as violations of fundamental human rights and dignity, and we will take all necessary measures to combat and eradicate them.

2. Definition:

a. Human Trafficking: Human trafficking refers to the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of threat, force, coercion, deception, or other forms of abduction for the purpose of exploitation, including forced labor or sexual exploitation.

b. Forced Labor: Forced labor involves any work or service extracted from an individual under the menace of any penalty for which said individual has not offered themselves voluntarily. It includes debt bondage, forced or compulsory labor, and involuntary prison labor.

c. Modern Slavery: Modern slavery encompasses any form of servitude, forced labor, child labor, or human trafficking that exploits individuals for personal or commercial gain, depriving them of their freedom and basic human rights.

3. Compliance and Due Diligence:

a. Internal Compliance: Nassar Overseas Pvt. Ltd will comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to human trafficking and modern slavery prevention in every country and region where we operate.

b. Supplier and Contractor Due Diligence: We will conduct thorough due diligence on our suppliers, contractors, and business partners to ensure they share our commitment to preventing human trafficking and modern slavery. We will incorporate contractual provisions that mandate compliance with our Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Prohibition Policy.

c. Risk Assessment: We will periodically assess the risks within our supply chain and operations to identify and address potential vulnerabilities to human trafficking and modern slavery.

4. Training and Awareness:

To foster a culture of awareness and vigilance, Nassar Overseas Pvt. Ltd will provide training to our employees, suppliers, and contractors. The training will cover the identification of human trafficking and modern slavery indicators, reporting mechanisms, and the importance of adhering to this policy.

5. Reporting Mechanisms:

Nassar Overseas encourages employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any suspected or actual cases of human trafficking or modern slavery within our operations or supply chain. We will establish confidential reporting channels, ensuring protection for whistleblowers who report in good faith.

6. Investigation and Remediation:

Upon receiving a report, Nassar Overseas Pvt. Ltd will promptly initiate a thorough investigation. If human trafficking or modern slavery is substantiated, appropriate actions will be taken, including termination of business relationships with non-compliant suppliers or contractors.

7. Continuous Improvement:

We are committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to combat human trafficking and modern slavery. We will review and update this policy periodically to reflect best practices and evolving legal requirements.


At Nassar Overseas Pvt. Ltd, our Anti-Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Prohibition Policy reflects our core values of respect for human rights and dignity. We stand united in our commitment to preventing and eradicating human trafficking and modern slavery, both within our organization and across our supply chain. By working together with our employees, partners, and stakeholders, we can make a positive impact in the fight against these heinous practices and promote a world where all individuals are treated with dignity, fairness, and compassion.


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